Fundraising events, whether big or small, leave a significant impact, and we are excited to shine a spotlight on some of the ongoing initiatives within the Cultural Care community this summer.
Our Local Childcare Consultants have been hosting successful events in their local communities. Among others, we want to highlight: Linda and Phil Hahn, Marisha Fiden, and Chelsea Tinsley for organizing a carwash in Virginia. Emily Brazell for hosting a restaurant fundraiser in Virginia, and Melissa Hernandez for hosting a bake sale and restaurant fundraiser in California.
During Cultural Care’s au pair life event in Atlanta, au pairs contributed to the Fill Our Heart campaign by folding dollar bills into origami hearts! Throughout the summer, au pair ambassadors have also set up lemonade stands with their host kids.
Left: carwash in Virginia, U.S. Right: bake sale in Zurich, CH.
In addition, many fundraisers have taken place in and around Cultural Care's offices. The Boston office hosted a friendship bracelet sale, and similar sales occurred at au pair gatherings in Massachusetts. Meanwhile, the Denver office hosted its own bracelet-making event! The Berlin office collected and organized used clothing and other items to be sold at the Berlin Flea Market. The Zurich office also organized a waffle sale and bake sale, both of which raised a substantial amount for Kids First.
We're getting closer to our $25,000 goal, which will be matched by Cultural Care to complete the Molo Mhlaba school. Thank you to everyone who organized an event this summer, and to our donors! Join our community in making a donation!